Shirva varado YCS convention was held on 13th July 2014 at shirva,Sabha Bhavan from 9am to 4pm.the Vicar Var of Shirva Very.Rev.Fr.Stany Tauro presided the inauguration. In his inaugural address he invited the YCS to discover themselves and build up their lives on Christian values. Fr.Edwin Dsouza, the ICYM & YCS/YSM director of the central committee conducted the days programme. Fr.Paul Rego, the shirva varado director celebrated mass and preached the homily. Joyson d’sa ,the deanery president welcomed the gathering. Zeenal Saldanha compered the programme.
All the animators and 216 YCS participated. All expressed Joy with their attendance. Fr. Wilson Lobo, Fr. John Moras were present.