Report by Charlotte Dsouza
Photos by Melrick Dsouza

The Annual Feast was celebrated in honour of our patron “The Holy Cross” on 11 December 2024. This feast is celebrated as thanksgiving for the blessings and graces received throughout the year. At 10AM the Parishioners for their contribution and the members of The Parish Pastoral Council were honoured by our Parish Priest, Mr Tony Monis (secretary of the parish pastoral council) read out the names for the same. The Eucharistic Mass was celebrated at 10:30AM, V.Rev.Fr. (Dr) Roshan Dsouza (Chancellor and Judicial Vicar of Udupi Diocese) was the main celebrant, V.Rev.Fr. (Dr) Leslie Dsouza (Dean of Shirva Deanery) and our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Henry Mascarenhas, along with other thirteen co-celebrants.

Fr.Henry Mascarenhas thanked the Sponsors and contributors for their support and active participation. He conveyed his wishes and blessings to all the parishioners.









































Pamboor, Shanthipura
Bantakal P.O. – 574 115
Udupi District

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