News and Pics by Josil Errol Noronha

In order to instil Christian values in the minds of the younger generation, Sunday Catechism classes are held for the students studying in Class 1 to 10. The Academic year for the same was inaugurated on 04 June 2023 during the 7:30AM Mass. The Holy Bible serves as the main source of information from which the catechism curriculum is derived from, it was brought in procession during the entrance hymn and was honored by the Catechism teachers by placing it at the Altar. Catechism classes were inaugurated by lighting the lamp. Our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Henry Mascarenhas, Rev. Fr. Francis Quadras, Vice Presdent and Secretary of parish council Mrs. Asuntha Dsouza and Mr.Tony Monis, Co ordinator for Catechsim Classes Mrs. Elsie Noronha and the other teachers were joined for the ceremony. The liturgy was conducted by the students who will be attending the classes. The classes will commence from 11 June 2023 onwards. The classes will be held at Manasa School at 8:45AM followed by children's mass at 9:45AM.






























Pamboor, Shanthipura
Bantakal P.O. – 574 115
Udupi District

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